The Ankarrah practitioner is an active participant from the beginning and throughout the entire healing process because the symbol's energy is first activated within the practitioner and then transferred to the individual in need of healing.
At that point, the practitioner is still holding the symbols, but their energy is relayed to the other individual who then also holds the energy of the symbols.
Ankarrah already exists within the cells as a latent code or blueprint, but the cells are not necessarily actively expressing that energy until triggered or activated. At any given point, the cells express their own energy, but that doesn’t necessarily correspond to the energy of the symbols. That’s what the practitioner is transferring: the active expression of that latent blueprint.
In situations of self-healing, you already have the encoding of the symbols within you. Therefore, there is an activation of the energy of the symbols but there is no need for a transference to be occurring.
When a practitioner connects with another individual in applying the symbols in a healing capacity, there is thus a transferring and awakening of the energy encoded in the symbols within the other individual.
This pertains to every cell of all living beings that are mutable in energy: humans, animals, plants. It applies to every cell because healing can be associated with any manifestation that could possibly be classified as a dysfunction, or a dis-ease. It wouldn’t be a matter of only certain cells would incorporate that encoding because then you could only use Ankarrah for healing in certain capacities or certain things—which is not the case.
Even with current advances in cellular biology, we don’t fully understand everything that’s contained within a cell. Aspects that are still undiscovered are not necessarily even visible in any form unless they’re first activated. These exciting prospects still await us!