Because the green energy center generates energy for healing, and generates energy to maintain physical bodily functions, it is the perfect chakra to engage to intentionally regulate your stress and tension, using it as that energetic ‘pump’ to expel undesirable energies.
Most people don’t even realize how much tension they’re actually holding, because they’re so accustomed to it that they don’t notice it. How you can begin to notice it is to be doing this breathing exercise four to five times a day.
Simply, breathe in energy into your green heart energy center, and breathe out energy of tension and stress and thinking, breathing out all energy from your head and from your torso.
All that thinking energy breathe out, and then breathe in again into your heart energy center. Breathe in that calming, supportive, grounded energy.
Continue to breathe in, pulling tensions, stress, anxiety and thinking energy from your head and torso into your heart center, and breathe all of that out as you direct your body to relax.
Learn more how to intentionally release stress and tension from the body using the Ankarrah healing system in the first course. You may also learn more about Ankarrah on the FAQ Page.